Real Estate and Facilities

Building Project and Procedures Manual

5-1 Schematic Design

General Note: Lists of activities required to complete a task are example activities only. These lists are not exhaustive. It is the responsibility of all parties to determine all necessary steps required to complete any given activity.

1 Work closely with the Design Professional to ensure that the design remains consistent with the approved scope (program), budget and schedule.
2 Provide the building program document approved by the BOR Office of Facilities to the Design Professional. Program Verification: Obtain from the campus the building program document approved by the BOR Office of Facilities. Verify that the scope and budget are compatible.
3 Provide campus with list of programming design professionals. Review and incorporate the requirements of the BOR publication "Preplanning Guidelines."
4 Provide the Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) to the Design Professional. Obtain the approved Environmental Site Assessment from the campus. If the ESA has not been done, initiate the process. (See Chapter 4, Items 13-16) Do not begin schematic design without the approved Environmental Site Assessment.
5 Obtain from the campus the topographic and site conditions survey and the plat of boundary line survey completed during the programming phase. Verify or obtain Environmental Site Assessment and flood plain information. (If this work has not yet been undertaken, see Chapter 4 for procedure to procure survey(s).)
6 Plat of Boundary Line Survey and Title Search. Required for all new buildings and major renovations only, including all GSFIC projects. See App. 5 G for complete procedure. Plat of Boundary Line Survey and Title Search. Work with Design Professional to prepare a red-lined site plan indicating that portion of the campus to be used as the project site. Include areas for construction staging, storage and truck traffic routes. See App. 5 G. Plat of Boundary Line Survey and Title Search. Work with campus to prepare a red-lined site plan indicating portion of the campus to be used as the project site. Include areas for construction staging, storage and truck traffic routes. Submit 2 copies to the BOR Facilities Office at the Schematic Design Presentation meeting. Also submit 2 unmarked copies of the plan. See App. 5 G.
7 Consult with the BOR and the campus to determine if a Seismic Risk Assessment study should be performed based on location of the project relative to the relocation of the Seismic Zone II line.
8 After working with the campus to develop at least three design options in accordance with the program, prepare copies as required for the Conceptual Design Presentation meeting. The submission shall consist of the items shown on the Conceptual Design Submittal Checklist, App. 5 D.
9 The Design Professional shall schedule the Conceptual Design Presentation meeting to be conducted at the campus. Consultants of the Design Professional should attend as required. (See "Memorandum to Design Professional" at the end of this chapter.) Prepare agenda for meeting after consulting with the campus.
10 Appropriate professional staff shall attend Conceptual Design Presentation Meeting including the Program Manager and Environmental Safety personnel. (See "Memorandum to Design Professional" at the end of this chapter.) Appropriate professional staff shall attend Conceptual Design Presentation Meeting including the Project Manager, Physical Plant staff and Environmental Safety personnel. (See "Memorandum to Design Professional" at the end of this chapter.) Convene the Conceptual Design Presentation Meeting. Bring consultants as needed to provide information and clarification. (See "Memorandum to Design Professional" at the end of this chapter.)
11 Develop list of deductive alternates in conjunction with campus. (See "Memorandum to Design Professional" at the end of this chapter.)
12 Secure 3 proposals of a not-to-exceed fee from testing laboratories for subsurface soils investigation. (See App. 4 C BOR policy for procurement of geotechnical consultant.) Forward proposals and recommendation to the BOR Facilities Office for approval. (See App. 5 H, "Memorandum Regarding Subsurface Soils Investigation")
13 Review fee proposal of subsurface soil investigation consultant for budget implications and send authorization letter to Design Professional and campus.
14 The campus will approve payment of the soils testing and send invoice to the appropriate entity for payment directly to the testing consultant Upon receipt of approval from BOR Facilities Office, proceed with subsurface soils investigation. Upon completion of the work, forward one copy of the testing lab report and two copies of invoice to the campus. Send 2 copies of the report to the BOR Facilities Office. For GSFIC projects: Provide a copy of the Stage I soils engineer statement of surveyor. (See App. 5 A, "Site Memorandum")
15 Synthesize comments, prepare final schematic design. Arrange a final Schematic Design Presentation meeting at the campus.
16 Conduct final Schematic Design Presentation on campus. Submit documents shown on the Schematic Design Submittal Checklist, App. 5 D.
17 Attend and provide input at the schematic design presentation meeting as the BOR owner's representative. Attend and provide input at the schematic design presentation meeting. The senior member of the architect's design team should present the project. Other technical members of the design team as needed to explain or clarify issues should support the presenter. The intent of the meeting is for the Design Professional to present information to the owner's representative(s) and to answer questions regarding the proposed design solution.
18 Prepare meeting minutes and distribute to all attendees and BOR.
19 Send approved schematic design package to the BOR for approval. (President should sign transmittal letter.)
20 If design needs improvement/is not approved, send letter directing Design Professional to revise and resubmit the schematic design within a certain time. Identify changes needed. Give guidance. Provide appropriate documentation of changes to accomplish approval of schematics.
21 Prepare letter to the Design Professional for approval of schematic design authorizing commencement of preliminary design phase After receipt of approval letter from BOR send invoice to campus for review and payment.
22 Proceed with the development of preliminary design documents after written approval has been obtained.
23 Review and approve the Statement of the Design professional. Send a copy of invoice and comparative schedule to Review and approve the Statement of the Design professional. Send a copy of invoice and comparative schedule to the BOR Facilities Office. Include a cover letter addressing project conformance with the schedule. (See App 3 N for schedule format.)
24 Upon receipt of copy of invoice, update in-house ProTrak System. Require and initiate corrective action for any schedule concerns.


  1. Pre-Design Kick-Off Meeting: The BOR Program manager will convene the Kick-Off meeting at the campus. At this time the PM will deliver the executed contract to the Design Professional and the campus. A record of attendees will be made and discussion will include the management of the project along with other subjects outlined in App. 3-U.
  2. Project Budget: It is the responsibility and the contractual obligation of the Design Professional to notify the BOR Office of Facilities and the campus immediately concerning anticipated budget problems upon comparing the Stated Cost Limitation and the program requirements of the project. Any adjustments to the Project Budget, Project Scope (Program) or Project Schedule must be approved by the BOR Program Manager and amended into appropriate contract(s).)
  3. The National Flood Insurance Program: The Design Professional shall submit two (2) copies of the Preliminary site plan to the State Floodplain Management Coordinator for review and approval (See Directory). All buildings and major renovation projects developed for the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia shall be developed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program. Send copy of approval letter to BOR and campus.
  4. Conceptual Design Presentation Meeting: The intent of this meeting is to review the 3 Conceptual Design options and to provide direction from the campus and BOR to the Design Professional. The Design Professional will coordinate and schedule the meeting on the campus. Items discussed will include architectural, electrical and mechanical systems, civil, structural and data/telecommunications may be included if needed.

    The appropriate campus personnel will attend the review to give the Design Professionals and their consultants the benefit of input from the user groups. The Design Professional shall be responsible for recording the list of attendees and the meeting minutes. The Design Professional shall distribute a copy of the meeting minutes to all attendees. The group shall give direction to the Design Professional regarding the desired design scheme for the building. The Design Professional will then synthesize the input into one schematic design for final presentation to campus and BOR.
  5. Schematic Design Presentation: The intent of the meeting is for the Design Professional to present information to the owner's representative(s) and to answer questions regarding the architect's proposed design solution. The senior member of the architect's design team should present the project. Other technical members of the design team, as needed to explain or clarify issues, should support the presenter. The BOR Program Manager is the owner's representative at the Schematic Design Presentation meeting.
  6. Show sizes of programmed spaces on the plans. If size on plans and in program differs by more than 10%, provide justification.
  7. Any exemption requests to design criteria, design philosophy, etc. should be thoroughly identified by the Design Professional, justified in writing, and formally approved or denied no later than the Schematic Design Presentation Meeting.
  8. Development of Deductive Alternates: The Design Professional, in conjunction with the campus will develop a list of 3 – 5 deductive alternates in the amount of not less than 5% of the Stated Cost Limitation. Early identification of these alternates will enable the Design Professional to provide thoughtful consideration of these alternates all the way through the design process.

    Generally, deductive alternates must be developed with the primary purpose of reducing the base bid to bring the contract sum within the budgeted construction cost or Stated Cost Limitation (SCL). In certain cases it may be appropriate to have additive alternates, but only when specifically authorized by the BOR Facilities Office. It is not recommended to have both deductive and additive alternates. The alternates must be prioritized and accepted in numerical order beginning with No. 1.

    If the sum of the base bid and the deductive alternates is insufficient to reduce the contract sum to within the budgeted construction cost or SCL the project must be revised and re-bid at no cost to the BOR/Campus in accordance with the contract between the BOR and the Design Professional.