Real Estate and Facilities

Building Project and Procedures Manual

Appendix 5 B

Initial Utilities Report

(To accompany copy of topographic and site conditions survey)

  1. Are all utilities, which may be needed, presently existing (with adequate capacity) in the immediate proximity of the site? (Describe deficiencies)
  2. If answer to item number 1 is no, who will extend utility(ies) to the site?
  3. Does the point of probable connection of service to any utility line for this project lie off Regents' property or in a city street right-of-way? (If yes, describe.)
  4. Does a gas line(s) having a pressure in excess of 60 pounds exist within 1,100 feet of the probable center of the building? (If yes, describe) (Have surveyor indicate pressures in excess of 60 pounds for lines which lie within survey area.)
  5. If answer to item number 4 is yes, and such lines lie outside the area surveyed, identify Gas Company map(s) showing line(s) and pressure. (Map must be attached to survey.)
  6. Does electric power line(s) energized in excess of 750 volts exist within 1,100 feet of probable center of the building?
  7. If answer to item number 6 is yes, describe the location and voltage of line(s).