Academic & Student Affairs Handbook

Academics Affairs Division

(Last Modified October 12, 2020)   Report a broken link

See the USG web site for information.

(Last Modified October 12, 2020)   Report a broken link

See the Board of Regents BOR Policy Manual for information.

(Last Modified June 28, 2019)   Report a broken link

The Office of Academic Affairs of the University System of Georgia engages in all academic and student policy matters and supports the academic planning process to ensure that the University System of Georgia deliberates and performs as a System while maintaining each institution’s distinctiveness and building on unique institutional strengths. The office offers an administrative home for academic information services mounted on a system-wide basis. The Office of Academic Affairs leads initiatives and engages in active partnerships with USG institutions in their efforts to transform students’ lives, advance knowledge and its application, and contribute to Georgia’s success in a global environment. The Office of Academic Affairs includes the following leadership and departments:

Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer

Academic Programs

Economic Development

Faculty Development

Information and Instructional Technology

Research and Policy Analysis

Strategic Academic Initiatives

Student Outcomes

Student Affairs

(Last Modified June 10, 2019)   Report a broken link

The BoR of the University System of Georgia has established an Advisory committee for each academic discipline and administrative function. The purpose of these committees is to advise the BoR on proposed new policies and policy changes. The committees are also instrumental in the planning and execution of policy implementation. These committees meet at least annually with a USG liaison present to hear committee recommendations and to discuss the plans of the University System. The USG liaison is also the principal contact to the committee throughout the year. Membership of these committees is composed of faculty and staff recommended by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Vice President for Student Affairs from each institution.

The committee selects a chair who serves a term determined by the committee’s by-laws.

See Advisory Committees.

(Last Modified October 16, 2020)   Report a broken link


Per Board of Regents Policy 2.8 on Institutional Mission, the mission and function of all USG institutions is determined by the Board of Regents, and any change in institutional function or mission must be approved by the Board. The following guidelines should be used to request changes in institutional mission and/or function:

Type I Mission Change: Requests for Approval of Revised Mission Statement Only:
Through routine strategic planning processes at an institution as required by SACSCOC’s Comprehensive Standards, mission statements are periodically revised to reflect relatively minor changes in the language of an institutional mission, or changes in institutional priorities which do not affect the scope of the mission as approved by the Board. This type of change in mission is typically a change in the wording of the mission statement only and does not reflect a change in the institution’s designated function or the institution’s functional sector (per BOR Policy 2.8). Revised mission statements of this type must be approved by the Board and requests for revisions in institutional mission statements should be submitted to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer. The request should include the following:

  • The President of the institution should submit a justification for the revision, including an explanation of the processes used to engage various campus constituencies in discussions of the revised mission;
  • The current Board-approved mission statement for the institution, including the date of Board approval;
  • The proposed revised mission statement.

Type II Mission Change: Requests for Approval of Revised Mission Statement and Institutional Function Sector:
This type of mission and function change requires Board approval and requests must be submitted to the Chancellor for consideration. An institution seeking to modify its mission statement and function with the intent of changing functional sector or sub-categories of a specific sector, should submit the following materials to the Chancellor:

  • Current functional sector and sub-category if applicable
  • Proposed functional sector or new sub-category, including the name of any proposed new degree program offerings associated with the change (NOTE: Requests for Function Sector Change must be approved prior to submitting new program proposals and/or facilities requests associated with the change).
  • Substantive evidence and rationale related to the following:
    • The results of a regional needs assessment, to include:
      • The geographic span of service area for the institution;
      • An assessment of employer and workforce needs within the institution’s service area;
      • An analysis of the adequacy of current USG degree providers relative to workforce needs in the area with a goal of avoiding unnecessary duplication of programs;
      • An assessment of how the proposed new program offerings will fill gaps in workforce needs
      • Impact of the change on the social, economic, cultural problems and enhancement of the quality of life of citizens in the institution’s service area
    • Analysis of institution’s readiness for mission change, including:
      • EFT enrollment trends over past 5 years
      • Employment trends for graduates over past 5 years
      • Retention, progression, and graduation (RPG) over past 5 years
      • Impact of the mission/function change on the institution’s College Completion Plan and college access in the institution’s service area
      • Analysis of the effectiveness of academic degree program review and use of results to modify and eliminate programs
    • Five year plan for fiscal resources available or new resources required to meet new mission, including:
      • Personnel/faculty needs
      • Facilities needs
      • Technology needs
      • Impact on institution’s debt ratio
    • Documentation of the involvement of local constituents and educational, civic, and political groups in the formulation of the change request
    • Impact of mission/function change on student tuition and affordability
    • Impact of mission/function change on faculty qualifications
    • Time line for SACSCOC approval
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