USG Records Retention Schedules
CATEGORY: Academic Affairs
Total: 7 Sorted by title.
Academic Program Administrative Records
Number: 0472-05-001
Description: This series documents the development, planning, and routine administration of academic programs of the department or college, including special programs serving and aiding institutional students. This series may include but is not limited to: policy and program planning and development documentation; explanatory materials on the program; evaluations of the program; final reports; curriculum committee meeting minutes; curriculum proposals; review agendas; faculty status reports; reviews of individual degree programs; registration reports; add-drop analyses and reports; course enrollment summaries by class; graduation summaries; majors by class level; international programs; cooperative ventures; summer term classes and enrollment reports; and placement information.
Retention: Final reports, meeting minutes, curriculum proposals, reviews of individual degree programs, and policy and program planning and development documentation and reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 5 years.
Book Order Records
Number: 0472-05-002
Description: This series provides a record of books ordered for courses taught in the department. This series includes institution textbook request forms.
Retention: 1 year.
Catalog/Bulletins, Class Scheduling Records, and Student Handbooks
Number: 0472-05-003
Description: This series documents information regarding academic requirements, procedures, and policies; program and course offerings; fields of study; faculty; evaluation and research proposal processes; room scheduling records, and the formulation of class schedules, including course schedule maintenance forms.
Retention: 1 copy of published catalogs/bulletins, schedule of classes booklets, and handbooks: PERMANENT; Course Schedule Maintenance Forms: 2 years; All other records: 1 year.
Child and Youth Program Participant Records
Number: 0472-05-004
Description: This series documents the participation of children and youth in programs sponsored by the institution. The series may include: applications; enrollment records; progress reports and assessments; immunization records; parental consent forms; activity records; and lists of attendees.
Retention: 3 years after participants reach majority age 18.
Courses Records
Number: 0472-05-005
Description: This series documents course offerings and individual course contents. These records include: syllabi; course descriptions; course outlines; course request proposals; enrollment reports; course summaries; request for undergraduate and graduate course and instructor approval forms; nominations to the undergraduate faculty; course announcements; handout materials; and final and summary reports.
Retention: Final and summary reports: PERMANENT; All other records: 7 years after superseded.
Scholarship Records
Number: 0472-05-006
Description: This series is used as a historical reference on the recipients of scholarships in colleges or departments. These records may include: recipients' names; when they received the scholarships; names of scholarships; dollar value of scholarships; years recipients entered and graduated; and criteria for selection of recipients.
Retention: PERMANENT.
Special Events, Lectures, and Tours Records
Number: 0472-05-007
Description: This series documents the efforts of a college or unit to provide lectures, informative sessions, short-courses, workshops, training programs, excursions, celebratory events, and tours. This series may include but is not limited to: materials on planning and arrangements; reports; promotional and publicity materials; press releases and news clippings; photographs; audio/video recordings; presentation materials and handouts; schedules of speakers and activities; registration and attendance lists; and participant evaluations.
Retention: See the University Archivist.