Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College continues to prioritize accessibility and affordability in higher education by expanding access to course selections requiring little or no additional cost for materials.

The Agricultural Education and Communication Department at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College recently added more awards to its already crowded collection.
Earlier this month, the department was named the Outstanding Post Secondary Agriculture Program by Georgia Vocation Agriculture Teachers Association. The award recognizes the efforts that the department has had in addressing the agriculture teacher shortage and their preparation of highly skilled graduates.

Graduates from the newest bachelor’s degree program at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College will be ready to tackle the job market with skills perfectly suited for the workplace.

Students at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College who envision a career in the landscaping or horticulture industry can get a boost on their pathway to that field through a new ABAC Foundation scholarship from Coastal Greenery in Brunswick.

The Department of Agricultural Education and Communication at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College is providing opportunities to combat the shortage of agricultural educators in Georgia, collaborating with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission on a one-year teaching certification program for agricultural education.

November 5, 2020 – For Dr. Mark Kistler, there’s education and then there is the “real” education that students receive in the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. He gives the J.G. Woodroof Farm at ABAC a lot of credit for making that happen.