Regents Academic Committee on Libraries

University System of Georgia

RACL Spring 1998 Meeting

Clarion Resort Buccaneer, Jekyll Island, GA
April 16/17, 1998

Attending: Shamina Amin, Raj Ambardekar, Nancy Anderson, Angee Baker (SOLINET), Paula Barnett, Elizabeth Bagley, Charles Beard, Dorothy Carver, Marilee Creelan, Gwen Creswell, Byron Drew, Bob Fox, Betty G. Frazier, Tom Frieling, Ann Hamilton, Debra Holmes, Charlene Hurt, Art Johnston, Judy Kelly (OIIT), Marilyn Lary, Ben Lee, Callie McGinnis, Jim Macklin, Mark McManus, Harriett Mayo, Marilyn E. Miller, Joyce Mills, Bill Nelson, Merryll Penson, Ed Philbin, Bill Richards, Ralph Russell, Brenda Sellers, Al Spivey, Crit Stuart, Carole Taylor, Jayne Williams (OIIT), Julia Zimmerman

Bill Nelson, RACL Chair, convened the meeting at 8:30 am

He recognized Paula Barnett, Betty Frazier, Dorothy Carver, Ann Hamilton, and Merryll Penson as representatives from their institutions.

Nelson also introduced Judy Kelly and Jayne Williams from OIIT, Crit Stuart from Georgia Tech, Charles Beard from West Georgia, and Ralph Russell lately from Georgia State working with the BOR.

The Minutes were approved, as amended.

The agenda was adopted with two amendments: item 4a, which dealt with terms of RACL appointments to the GALILEO Steering Committee; and item 12, an update on the Gwinnett Center Master Plan.

Ann Hamilton presented a petition from the Southeastern Library Association endorsing a Library Journal paraprofessional award; she also solicited program proposals for the Fall COMO conference in Macon.

Julia Zimmerman, chair-elect of RACL and program chair, outlined the program planned for the afternoon: "Building the Basics: Including Digital Collections in the Statewide Library." She noted that we had 3 outside speakers involved in establishing digital projects and 4 USG professors that used electronic resources in their teaching.

GALILEO Governance Structure. George Gaumond introduced his "Proposal Regarding the GALILEO Governance Structure" distributed prior to the meeting. He moved to change the document to excise the function and office of the GALILEO Advisory Council. He noted that the committee has never been composed, and that the proposed functions of the committee had been met in other ways. Al Spivey seconded the motion. There was some discussion about when the motion would become effective. The consensus was that since there was no committee in place, if passed, the motion would become immediately effective. The motion carried. Bill Nelson suggested a statement to be included at the end of the current document in the section that addresses appointments to the GALILEO Steering Committee. The final motion was that GALILEO Steering Committee members from RACL will have terms beginning on July 1 of the appointment year. Members representing non-USG consortia can begin on different dates if they give advance notice to the Chair. Liz Bagley moved, the motion was seconded, and carried.

Nominating Committee Report. Al Spivey made the report from the Nominating Committee (Spivey, Julia Zimmerman, and Shamina Amin). He noted that Julia Zimmerman will be RACL chair next year, the Chair-elect will be elected from a 2-year school. The following slate was introduced for elections to be held tomorrow. The nominees for RACL chair-elect are Debbie Holmes (Floyd) and Liz Bagley (South Georgia). Bob Fox (Clayton State) is the sole nominee for Secretary. Additionally, there are two at-large positions opening on the GALILEO Steering Committee to replace Al Spivey and Gwen Creswell, due to retire. The slate of candidates introduced for those positions were Nancy Anderson (Gordon); Debbie Holmes (Floyd)(if not elected as Chair-Elect); Bill Richards (Georgia College); and Carole Taylor (Fort Valley). George Gaumond (Valdosta State) was nominated from the floor. Bill Nelson outlined the circumstances that led the RACL Steering Committee to be out of sequence: normally RACL has three officers, one from each size institution. This election will return RACL to that sequence.

Report from the Office of Public Library Services. As Tom Ploeg was not able to attend, Bill Nelson reported for him. Several new staff members have been hired at OPLS. David Singleton has been hired as Consultant, Resource Sharing & Interlibrary Services (he essentially replaces JoEllen Ostendorf). They continue to look to hire Consultants in Children and Family Services and a Research Coordinator. A national search is underway for a Director of OPLS.

COPERNICUS Update. Merryll Penson gave a brief history of the changing names of the project. She noted that in the "official" documentation, it is referred to as the Interconnected Integrated Library System. G2/GALILEO2, as nomenclature, was originally vetoed at the Board of Regents' Office level. It may be confusing, but all these titles refer to the same project. She gave a brief project history: she noted that originally it was thought that only an RFI process would be necessary. In January, State Purchasing determined that the RFP (essentially, competitive bid) process would have to be followed. That has changed somewhat the method under which the project has been directed, particularly limiting the amount of information that can be made public. We are still in that mode, so if RACL members receive information requests from vendors, they should be directed to State Purchasing. She noted that OIIT and Dr. J.B. Matthews (past Vice Chancellor) were immensely helpful in the RFP process. Jayne William's office in OIIT has also been very helpful: it is now creating PDF files for putting the RFP on DOAS web pages. Merryll will announce when a public version of the RFP is available for view. She noted that the document may have fewer "mandatory" features than people anticipate; it will also address features that are not currently available in library system software. The RFP document itself is an expression of strategy about what we hope to do and create with the Interconnected Integrated Library System. A bidders' conference has been set for April 21st (next Tuesday) at the Board of Regents offices in Atlanta; bidders must submit written questions by this April 17 (tomorrow). We do not know how many bids are likely to be submitted although at least twelve vendors have expressed initial interest. Although the RFP currently requires a response by May 28, 1998, that date may be moved up. Once vendors respond, the COPERNICUS Planning Committee must evaluate all bids. A subcommittee will first examine all bids to determine that mandatory requirements have been met. The bids that meet that requirement will go to subcommittees of the CPC for evaluation. (Those subcommittees will also include some members of the functional subcommittees.) The subcommittees will assign points to each bid; the library "technical function" points will be 60% of the total. State Purchasing will assign the remaining 40% of the points, based on cost. The leading bidder (in points) will be invited to make a demonstration of its product to the CPC. As a result of the demonstration, points can be subtracted from an evaluation, not added. She passed out a tentative timeline that projects that the bid award will be completed prior to the end of this fiscal year (June 30, 1998). Jayne Williams clarified some of the budget issues around funding for COPERNICUS. She noted that $2 million had been appropriated out of FY 98 funds, and that $1 million had been appropriated out of FY 1999 funds. The BOR has requested that about $220K be distributed to early installations for staff workstations and equipment. She is working on standardizing that process. It was noted that yesterday Minnesota announced a contract with DRA and OCLC for a similar project. Jayne reminded attendees that a survey seeking information on current maintenance costs has been distributed; she urged everyone to complete and return them to her. Charles Beard introduced the G-2 Draft Governance Document previously distributed. He discussed some editorial changes that should be made and noted that the committee drafting it had tried very hard to retain flexibility as a key component of G-2 governance. A couple of questions were asked about what legal "persons" from each institution ought to sign. Jim Macklin wondered whether once an institution was installed on one server, there is any likelihood of being moved to another server when installation of all servers was complete. Callie McGinnis wondered how maintenance issues from client libraries to server/service providing libraries would be handled. (Charles Beard referred her to Area VI of the document: Grievance). Charles moved approval of the document; George Gaumond seconded. The motion passed. After a 20 minute break Crit Stuart, (Georgia Tech) chair of the conversion committee addressed the group. He noted that an initial survey had been sent out last year, and that a recent survey had been distributed last week. He urged RACL members to complete that survey and to return it to either Bob Fox or to Joan Stevens. The Conversion Committee will use the survey to build a library profile for conversion: it will contain key information about people, current system functions, bibliographic/item/circulation databases, patron data, bar-coding standards, and time frame and equipment questions. He noted that the Minnesota PALS conversion project found it useful to focus on three themes: a concern for successful data conversion; a concern for staff involvement; and a concern with technological shock. Training, documentation, and workflow issues are particularly important. Stuart offered some suggestions for libraries to prepare for the conversion process. He suggested that librarians document their current processes and document current workflows: they will change. Identify inconsistencies in current data (e.g., v. 1; vol. 1; Vol. 1). Determine what the essential data fields are now. He noted that when a system is chosen, documentation for modules should become available prior to conversion. He encouraged directors to communicate with and include all staff; to be a cheerleader and to provide a positive model for the entire process.

Collection Development Committee. Liz Bagley reported for Mary Munroe. She noted that four components of the collection survey had been completed: Collection Analysis; Title Overlap; Serials Overlap; and Books for College Libraries, III Analysis. An executive summary will be issued shortly.

GALILEO Reference Committee Report. Judy Kelly reported that libraries can expect the menu of databases in GALILEO to remain fairly stable. (To a question whether OVID had been considered recently, she noted that it had been investigated and was too costly.) Judy noted that she had a new job as Director of Virtual Library Development with OIIT. She outlined the parts of her responsibilities that will impact GALILEO. She is responsible for incorporating SiteSearch enhancements to the interface: examples include providing search histories, providing thesauri support and the ability to combine sets. She noted that an "exclude book review" option had become available. Her office will be responsible for working on the interface between COPERNICUS and GALILEO and will take over maintenance of "Internet Resources" features of GALILEO. She will also be looking at future development of the statewide collection, including digitization projects and grants.

GALILEO/PeachNet Service Center. No report.

GALILEO Technical Committee. Jayne Williams noted that the committee is trying to schedule a meeting soon; Mark McManus noted that there had been some recent personnel changes, and that future development would be curtailed to devote resources toward implementation of the new SiteSearch software.

The meeting adjourned for lunch.

At 1:00pm the meeting reconvened for a program entitled "Building the Basics: Including Digital Collections in the Statewide Library."

Three speakers made presentations about digital projects they are currently involved in developing. They included Betsey Patterson from Emory University. She focused on Emory's Virtual Library project. Her program was designed to "address several broad issues: conversion of print and the creation of 'born digital' resources, system access and maintenance, data migration and archiving in the context of the Virtual Library Project." She also discussed "some possible future considerations for the evolution of the GALILEO system, based on data collected at Emory about user preferences and expectations." Angee Baker, from SOLINET's Electronic Information Resources, discussed strategic planning for building a successful electronic product. She offered Monticello, SOLINET's digitization project of Southeastern US research collections as a case study. Carl Fleischhauer, from the Library of Congress' American Memory project, provided "an overview of what we mean by an online collection at the Library of Congress together with some description of a collection's component parts." He talked about difficulties in the Library's ability to digest primary source documents; the challenge of selection and factors in selection for the Library of Congress. He addressed technology issues about "what is hard about what we do, what is easy?" He emphasized that, at the Library of Congress much effort was undertaken to ensure that the "underlying data remain migrate-able." He discussed some cost issues. All three speakers spoke a great deal to the importance of marketing both the projects and the products that they have helped create.

After the three non-USG speakers, four faculty members from USG institutions addressed their use of digital data, and electronic resources in teaching in their classes. Dr. Dick Stracke discussed the freshman English program at Augusta State University. He uses email and listservs to keep himself and class participants up to date; he distributes class materials online; the University maintains an online journal, Choice Voice, for Freshman English composition students. Dr. Ron Barnette, from Valdosta State University discussed teaching an online philosophy course. He has set up Zeno's Coffehouse, a web-based chat/conference. He has students from around the world and has compiled a variety of web-based resources into a philosophy-based "Virtual Library." Dr. Richard Reiman of South Georgia College discussed his use of the web for classes at a two-year college. Dr. Spencer Rugaber, from the College of Computing at Georgia Tech (he is also associated with that College's Graphics, Utilization, and Visualization Center) has been using electronic resources, including artificial intelligence to teach and do research in programming languages and software engineering, reverse engineering, development of software interfaces and software evaluation. The program ended at about 5:45 pm.

Bill Nelson reconvened the meeting at 9:04 am on April 17, 1998. He announced the Fall RACL meeting will be held during the Rock Eagle USG Computing Conference on October 21, 1998.

Ann Hamilton passed around a card to Julius Ariail (from Georgia Southern University) and his wife Laura. She reminded attendees of the SELA petition about paraprofessional awards that she had circulated the previous day.

Gwinnett Center Report. Marilyn Miller reported on the progress of Master Planning groups for the Gwinnett Center. Several constituent committees have been appointed; Gwinnett County has given land for the new campus for the four-year college in Gwinnett. Projected plan completion is next September 18. A new curricular agenda includes expansion to baccalaureate degree programs. Depending on budget cycles, the architectural project schedule could be complete next year, with construction following immediately to allow the campus opening in fall 2001. The Gwinnett Center collection will become separate holdings rather than represent branch holdings of DeKalb College. The Center will initially be a partnership between DeKalb and UGA with separate institution status (within the University System) possible in the longer term.

Bill Nelson reported that he had, on behalf of RACL, purchased books on quail hunting for J. B. Matthews, retiring Vice-Chancellor, Information and Instructional Technology. The books were presented to Dr. Matthews by Julia Zimmerman at a recent COPERNICUS Planning Committee meeting in appreciation for the support he has given to both system libraries and to RACL.

Bill noted that Julius Ariail's mother and Jan Fennell's father had passed away recently. Memorials could be sent to the local Episcopal Church (Julius' father) or to Salem Baptist Church (Jan's mother). He noted that Charles Beard had already sent something to them both on RACL's behalf. If you wish to reimburse Charles, check with him.

Assessment Committee Report. Bill Nelson noted that Carolyn Robison is chair of that committee. A new set of assessment data (and additional plans) might be available next week.

Report from the Office of Information and Instructional Technology. Jayne Williams reported that Dee Douglas, formerly with OPLS has been hired as Systems Support Specialist II and now works with Brad Bacon on the www at the central office in Atlanta. Reporting recommendations taken by the GALILEO/RACL steering committee, she noted that Susan Morris' survey for Ariel implementation has yielded information for providing Ariel software and scanners for those without. A budget has been mapped out, and desirable scanner model selected. She asked whether RACL members wanted OIIT to make a bulk purchase or whether local institutions preferred to make the purchase individually, under the aegis of OIIT. The latter was preferred; Jayne will send out the specifications for Fujitsu scanners on the listserv. Ariel software will be purchased in bulk by OIIT; some institutions that already have Minolta scanners will be eligible for software upgrades. She noted that about $100K remains in the current year budget and suggested that additional FirstSearch purchases might absorb those funds. She verified yesterday's report that $2 million is in the budget for COPERNICUS. Redirection of FY 1999 funds might represent 4 to 5 workstations and a printer for libraries scheduled for COPERNICUS installation. She provided a list of institutions scheduled to receive the redirected FY 1999 funds.

Report from Board of Regents. Dr. David Morgan, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs reported on salient issues at the Board of Regents' Central Office. He complimented RACL as an academic committee that works and works well, that addresses system-wide goals. He indicated that BOR grants will continue next year, and the BOR is hoping to increase funding levels for the program. He noted that a new timetable will be in effect for next year: The RFP for grants will be issued May 1, 1998; grant proposals are due in the Central Office by June 1; and awards will be announced on July 1, 1998. He reminded RACL that assessment will shortly be due for this year's award. Dr. Morgan requested that minutes of RACL meetings (even in draft form) be sent to his office, to be mounted on the BOR web site. They can be directed to Patricia Wright, He outlined other initiatives of the BOR directly relating to information technology. There is a great concern over the lack of available IT professionals and the legislature granted USG additional funds to stem the "brain drain." He noted the success of a technology program at Columbus State University and the success of the Bachelor's program in Information Technology at Macon: two other programs are targeted for Macon. At the May meeting, the BOR intends to approve additional programs: a Computer Networking program is proposed at Dalton; an Information Systems program at Kennesaw State; a number of programs are targeted at Clayton State. The BOR is planning to fast-track programs to provide evidence that the USG can respond to real-life conditions in the academic marketplace. In a question and answer session, Jim Macklin asked about the status of the Graduate Library program at Valdosta. Dr. Morgan replied that negotiations were still underway with Clark-Atlanta, planning had reached the curricular stage, and the BOR is looking to hire a Dean/Director soon. Merryll Penson noted that funds are being spent for electronic resources, but with level funding, that represents declining resources available for operating expenses and for print sources. Commenting on the Governor's Initiative for print materials for public libraries, she asked whether there was any sense of encouragement for traditional materials from the BOR? Dr. Morgan agreed that RACL's success electronically had allowed print to "drop off the radar screen." He suggested to Bill Nelson and Julia Zimmerman (chair-elect) that this might be a good issue or project for RACL to make publically salient. Charles Beard noted also, that the continuing emphasis on Distance Education placed real strains on library resources (print and electronic). Dr. Morgan noted that the BOR tried to be sensitive to support services necessary in Distance Education programs. This is also a logical issue area for RACL to build awareness: he suggested a potential grant project might be to address "The Impact of Distance Education on Library Strucures."

RACL Election. Julia Zimmerman conducted the RACL election for Al Spivey who was out of town. George Gaumond served as parliamentarian; Crit Stuart and Marilyn Miller acted as tellers. The Chair-elect candidates were Liz Bagley (South Georgia) and Debbie Holmes (Floyd). Liz Bagley was elected. Merryl Penson moved that Bob Fox, the only candidate for Secretary be elected by acclamation. The motion carried. Candidates for at-large positions were Debbie Holmes, Carole Taylor, Nancy Anderson, Bill Richards, and George Gaumond. Debbie Holmes and George Gaumond were elected to two-year terms, Bill Richards and Carole Taylor to one-year terms.

Steering Committee Report. Bill Nelson reported current issues facing the GALILEO Steering Committee. He noted that its minutes were posted to the GA-RACL listserv and available to RACL members. A current issue is "what libraries can join GALILEO?" A number of private, for-profit agencies are interested in participating. Since lottery funds are involved, it may well be that only educational institutions can participate. (It was noted that since, by enabling legislation, the State Archives is not an educational institution, it is currently not eligible.) Dr. Michael Staman, Vice-Chancellor for Information and Instructional Technology/CIO has requested clarification from the Attorney General's office. While noting that broad membership and participation is desirable, Merryll Penson noted that we need to remember that GALILEO is not simply a list of databases: the Vision for One Statewide Library outlined a number of initiatives that must also be considered: reciprocal borrowing, to enhance the quality of teaching, to increase the information resources available to USG students, faculty and staff. These and like issues should be considered as elements of GALILEO participation. Someone asked what databases are being considered? Can those under consideration be announced or posted in any way? Since consideration regularly involves consortia pricing/budgeting issues, it is difficult to be entirely open about it. Bill Nelson noted that at the next Steering Committee meeting, the whole issue of collection development issues will be discussed: considerations of potential databases will surely be impacted by such a discussion, the considerations will at least become more apparently rational to members. Judy Kelly distributed her proposal "Internet Resources" from the GALILEO Homepage, part of which is a collection development proposal: she solicited comments/suggestions about the proposal. Contact her at

FY 1999 Regents' Advisory Grant. Bill Nelson noted the different time frame announced by Assistant Vice-Chancellor Morgan. He asked for suggestions for a grant proposal for the coming year. Suggestions included: Moving GALILEO into a Research Environment; Intellectual Property Issues; Distance Education; Creation of Short Courses/tutorials with Disciplinary Faculty; Provide a Unified List of Serials included in GALILEO. Bill Nelson noted that the Steering Committee would be meeting next Friday and could suggest a topic to be posted to the listserv for approval. He encouraged members to continue to make suggestions to the listserv. Charles Beard noted that whatever topic we choose, he supported the notion of involving disciplinary USG faculty in some way.

Other Items. Bill Nelson noted that, effective July 1, Brenda Sellers would be appointed Library Director at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC). He also noted that Gwen Creswell (Georgia Southwestern) will soon be retiring, as will Ed Philbin (Darton College). Bill presented both with certificates of appeciation from RACL. Bill noted also that Mark McManus will be rotating out of RACL and out of the Secretary's position. A certificate will be presented later. Charles Beard noted that Bill Nelson had served as RACL chair for the past two years and expressed appreciation for extraordinary service. Merryll Penson moved that Julia Zimmerman (incoming chair) draft a letter of appreciation for Bill's service to Dr. William A. Bloodworth, Jr., President at Augusta State University. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned, 11:15 am.