
21st Annual Office of Real Estate and Facilities Conference


Date: October 25-27, 2017


Callaway Gardens

17800 US-27

Pine Mountain, Georgia 31822

The University System of Georgia’s annual Facilities Officers Conference serves as a professional development opportunity for USG real estate and facilities officers. Focused on all aspects of facility management, the conference’s educational sessions and activities encourage discussion between institutions and industry partners on best practices and trends in higher education. We hope you will join us for three eventful days of learning and collaboration.

Look forward to seeing you there!


2017 Agenda is now available!

Please click on the links below for more information about our planned sessions and activities.

Agenda Updated 10/20/17
Session Descriptions Updated 10/20/17

Session Materials

EPA Peer Audit & EMS - 5 Years Later
Introduction to Mass Timber Construction
BOR Policy Review
Regents Rehabilitation Revisited: What’s Old Is New Again
Commissioning for Building Envelope Issues
Energy Daylight, Glare & Comfort: Bringing It All Together
Events: One Stop Shop
Performing at a Higher Level - Healthy Buildings for Your Campus
Performing at a Higher Level - Handout
Influence of Design on the Learning Environment
USG Contracting: Public Works vs. Construction & Best Practices for Preventative Maintenance & Disaster Services
Building Envelope Applications Utilizing Drone Technologies
Roofs: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
Planning for Success: Planning and Programming STEM Facilities
Design Build Case Study Using Assemble Systems During Preconstruction
University of Georgia Historic Preservation Master Plan
Road Map for “Making the Most” Rather Than “Making Do” [Coming soon]

Keynote Address: “STAY HUNGRY- PART II!”

Brooks Baker

So nice we are doing it twice! Brooks Baker returns to the Facilities Officers Conference to provide the second talk from his lecture series.

Brooks Baker retired from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) after more than 34 years in the Facilities Division. As Associate Vice President of Facilities, Brooks had responsibilities for Planning, Design and Construction; all aspects of Plant Operations; Campus Sustainability and Energy Management; and Occupational Health and Safety. UAB has a large Medical Center and Research Facility in addition to Undergraduate and Graduate Schools.

Brooks still manages the cattle ranch where he grew up and works with the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers (APPA) as Chairman of their Codes and Standards Council. Brooks has done motivational seminars and speeches for widely varied audiences, primarily in Higher Education settings. His “Stay Hungry” topics are applicable in all areas of work and life and hopefully will be not only entertaining, but meaningful.

Registration & Lodging


Conference Registration

Conference Registration for FOC 2017 is CLOSED.
Please join us for FOC 2018 in Savannah!

Conference Lodging

Please call 1-844-803-9505 or register online below:

Lodge & Spa ($159.00 per night + tax) (SOLD OUT)

Southern Pine Cottages ($149.00 per night + tax)

Vendor Opportunities

  • Registration for our industry partners may be accessed at the conference registration link above. Costs for registration and optional “add-on” items are found at the top of the registration website under “Fees”.

  • PLEASE NOTE! Our pricing model for vendors has changed to a flat rate per person. Each “industry partner” attendee from a vendor firm will pay the same rate, with the spouse/guest fee being reserved for non-employee guests of the firm.

  • For industry partners that would like an exhibition booth, an additional fee will apply. The system does allow you to register for one booth for every industry partner attendee from your firm. However, due to limited space, we ask that you only register for one booth per firm.

Contact Us

Glass Building

Questions? FOC@USG.EDU

FOC Chair: Mark Haldane
Co-Chair: Sheres Johnson