Shuttle Explodes | Same Day | 1 Day | 1 Week | 1-2 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year | 10 Years | Recap
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News / History Information Flow
Timeline | Where it’s reported | How to find that information |
Seconds / Minutes |
GALILEO News Transcripts Indexes; Web Search Tools |
Day / Days + |
GALILEO Newspaper Indexes |
Week / weeks |
GALILEO Magazine Indexes |
Six months + |
GALILEO Periodical Indexes; Bibliographies |
1+ years |
GIL Library Catalog; Bibliographies |
Average 10 years |
GIL Library Catalog; GALILEO Reference Sources; Bibliographies |
- Save time in your research by exploring the point(s) along the flow of
information timeline that will provide you with the most useful materials.
Then use the resources in the right-hand column to find those materials.
Example: To find eyewitness accounts of the Challenger disaster, look for resources from the very beginning of the flow of information timeline. Later accounts would be influenced by secondary information or faulty memories.
Example: To get a reliable explanation of the cause of the accident, start at least six months into the timeline. Later publications will benefit from more research and analysis.
- Use the GALILEO system's article index databases to find newspaper, magazine and journal articles on a topic.
- You may find information on the Web from any point in this timeline,
but remember that Internet information is not organized and sometimes
not reliable.
WANT MORE on Using the Internet?
>Unit 7 > Tips for Using the Internet; and,
> Unit 9 > Evaluating Sources - Some indexes are not available through GALILEO ask a librarian for help in finding and using print-only indexes like the Alternative Press Index or earlier years of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution index.
WANT MORE on getting a focus for your topic?
> Unit 2 > Starting Your Search

The following are external links and will open in a pop-up window.
Space Shuttle 'Challenger' sites
For more information on the Shuttle Disaster, check out these web sites:
Official Nasa site dedicated to the Space Shuttle Challenger
NBC's coverage of the Shuttle Disaster
CCN movie montage of Shuttle Disaster
Adapted from (link will open in a new window) UCLA College Library (accessed April 4, 2001) which was adapted from Sharon Hogan's original Flow of Information conceptual approach to library instruction 1980 by Diane Zwemer, Instructional Services Coordinator, UCLA College Library.
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