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Scholarly Journal

Six Months Later...
... until today
Scholarly journal articles publish research on the causes of the Challenger explosion.
Public Administration Quarterly 21 (3): 258 - 293
Scholarly Journal Characteristics | |
AUDIENCE: | Not meant for general public. Assumes a level of specialized knowledge in the field. |
AUTHOR: | Professor, scholar, or researcher who specializes in this field |
TIMELINESS: | Usually published at least a year after the event, often several years later. |
CONTENT: | Articles in scholarly journals tend to focus on more narrow topics than popular magazine articles. Contain the most current in-depth information on research that's been done. Few to no pictures. Information is backed up by footnotes to earlier research and always includes bibliographies. |
TYPE OF SOURCE: | Secondary |
Scholarly journals are secondary sources since the writers have used their expertise to:
- analyze the primary information;
- do additional research; and,
- publish new information on the topic.
Research on the Challenger disaster has been published in journals from such diverse fields as engineering, psychology, education, business, and (the article shown) public administration.
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