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These exercises have been provided to help students learn about library services and researching. They may be used by an instructor as an assignment.
Exercise: Finding the Best Sources
Identifying types of information resources
Learning Objective: Identify the different types of information resources, and use the flow of information to identify the best resources.
INSTRUCTIONS: Print out this page and fill in the blanks.
Topic: Pearl Harbor
Match the information you need with the resource that would best answer the question by putting the appropriate letter in the space at left.When you need: Resource: ____ A concise summary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and why it happened.
____ The most recent research on the long-term psychological effects of Pearl Harbor on veterans who survived it.
____ As much in-depth information as you can get in one resource.
____ What Americans were saying about the Pearl Harbor attack at the time it happened in 1941.
scholarly journal article
newspaper article
government document
encyclopedia article
Topic: Space Shuttle Challenger disaster
Put a check next to the information resources that are scholarly:____ "Technology Developed After Shuttle Disaster to Aid in Search Today." Atlanta Constitution, July 19, 1996, p. 11A. (newspaper article)
____ Challengers : The Inspiring Life Stories of the Seven Brave Astronauts of Shuttle Mission 51-L. (book)
____ "Analysis of In-Flight Winds for Shuttle Mission STS 51-L." Journal of Applied Meteorology v. 27 (Nov. 1988) p. 1232-41. (article)
____ "Media Coverage of Shuttle." Time, Feb. 10, 1986, p. 42. (article)
Topic: Battle of Gettysburg
Mark the information resources that are primary sources:____ Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (text of speech)
____ "In Not So Dubious Battle: Motivations of American Civil War Soldiers." Journal of Military History. January 1998. (article)
____ "Gettysburgh: Rebel Accounts of the Battle." New York Times, July 11, 1863. (newspaper article)
____ War Journal of Louis N. Beaudry, Fifth New York Cavalry : The Diary of a Union Chaplain (book)
____ Death of a Nation: The Story of Lee and His Men at Gettysburg (book)
Submit your work to your instructor if required.
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