Introduction to Computer Workstation Ergonomic Training

Welcome to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (USG) ergonomic on-line training program. This training course should provide you with the knowledge, skills, and educational tools to help identify potential ergonomic related injuries, recognize ergonomic risk factors, and reduce regionalized risks by using good ergonomic work practices and procedures.

This on-line training program is designed to educate USG employees on the importance and benefits of properly interfacing with their computer workstation. Ultimately, our aim is to continue heightening employee safety awareness at all USG institutions, as well as incorporating good safety and occupational health work practices into the work environment.

Good luck, and see you around campus!
Environmental & Occupational Safety
Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia


University System of Georgia (USG) employees may print a certificate of completion for this training by submitting an online form at the end of the program. Although submission of this form is voluntary, some USG institutions use this information to verify that employees have completed the online training.

State of Georgia employees not affiliated with the university system may print a generic completion certificate.

Certificates of completion are NOT provided for persons not affiliated with the USG or employed by the State of Georgia.