Finding Journals in GALILEO

The following tutorial will provide you with directions for locating specific journal titles within GALILEO Scholar.

First off, what is a journal?

A journal is a publication that contains articles focused on a specific topic or discipline of study.

Now that that’s clear, let’s look at how to find a specific journal or a list of journals related to a topic within GALILEO Scholar.

From the GALILEO Scholar homepage, select the Journals A to Z tab. Here you will find multiple options for finding journals.

Using the search box, you can search for a specific title, or, if you aren’t sure of the title, you can search using a keyword.

Here, we are searching for a known title, Marine Biology. By default, the Contains button is checked. This means the title will contain the words “marine” and “biology.”

We have three results for this search.

Clicking on Marine Biology will take you to a Find It at GALILEO menu with options on getting the full text online from Academic Search Complete or in print from your library.

Note the availability statements. Sometimes, the year and issue you are looking for is not available.

Clicking on Academic Search Complete will take you to the journal record for Marine Biology.

On the journal page, you will find options for locating a particular issue of the journal or for searching for a particular topic within the journal.

Resources vary in the way that these options are displayed, but you will typically find the same options available in most databases.

Next, let’s look at options for locating journals related to a specific subject.

From the GALILEO homepage, click on the Browse by Subject tab and select a subject.

Here, we are selecting the Arts and Humanities subject area and the subject category, Architecture.

Click on the third tab, Journals and Magazines.

We now have the option to browse journals related to our specific topic.

We will select “View all journals in Architecture.”

An alphabetical list of all the journals related to the Architecture category appears.

Clicking on any title in this list will take you to the Find It at GALILEO menu with options for locating the full text of the journal.

This concludes the tutorial on locating journals in GALILEO Scholar.

If you have any questions, please check the GALILEO Help section for FAQs or use the Contact Us form to submit a comment.

Thanks and Happy Searching!

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